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We believe that everybody should have access to warm, dry and mould-free buildings.

We have a passion for being able to help provide this with the solutions, being it science, material specification or Passive House or just plain common sense we are there. Our mission is to provide essential knowledge for critical building components to the industry to provide more durable construction, we use our knowledge and skills for the benefit of the community to create smart solutions for a sustainable future.


We deliver our products in a timely manner from our distributions centres located in Victoria and Tasmania and support them with intense attention to customer service, wide knowledge resources and local on the ground support. 

Our manufacturing partners produce critical, best in class products who have leading building science knowledge which produce some of the best products available in the market. Pro Clima is one of the world lead­ers in air-tight­ness and va­pour con­trol. Pro Clima’s in­tel­li­gent mem­branes provide max­im­um dry­ing po­ten­tial to high per­form­ance en­clos­ure as­sem­blies - pro­tect­ing roofs and walls struc­ture with act­ive mois­ture man­age­ment while op­tim­is­ing the thermal in­su­la­tions’ ef­fect­ive­ness.



Pro Clima helps sim­pli­fy build­ing com­pon­ent in­teg­ra­tion and en­sure suc­cess with sys­tems that are air­tight and mois­ture reg­u­lat­ing: in­tel­li­gent high per­form­ance va­por re­tarders, dif­fu­sion open ex­ter­i­or wall/roof and sub-roof mem­branes, dur­able tapes, spe­cial ad­hes­ives, pen­et­ra­tion gas­kets, and oth­er spe­cial ac­cessor­ies.

All these com­pon­ents are high qual­ity products made in Ger­many, which en­able de­sign­ers and con­tract­ors to cre­ate well in­su­lated, dur­able and healthy struc­tures. Mo­tiv­ated by per­son­al re­la­tion­ships with our part­ners and our shared achieve­ments, 

Pro Clima en­gin­eers and field rep­res­ent­at­ives are work­ing to­geth­er on bring­ing the highest qual­ity solu­tions which per­fects the thermal en­vel­ope to Australian con­struc­tion.


Placing a value on comfort and long term health benefits is difficult, it is hard to sell something that people cannot see. Words cannot describe the sense of wellbeing achieved when living or working in a comfortable, dry and healthy environment but it should not be made difficult, we are here to assist with making this easier.


Justin O'Connor

Justin has a long family history within the building industry here in Australia and spent his childhood on building sites offering free labour as a kid.


Now with over 20 years experience as a builder with a lot of this dedicated to pursuing low energy construction Justin has now found his calling in the field of high performance construction, offering technical advice to the industry.


Justin’s passion for quality construction and materials has led him as a qualified carpenter and Joiner to be lucky enough to win numerous state and national building excellence awards for his work on construction quality and high performance buildings. 

Justin is a former board member for the Australian Passive House Association, a Certified Passive House Tradesman and an accredited airtightness tester with ATTMA & AIVAA and enjoys consulting with architects, builders and home owners to provide sound construction assembly detailing for safe construction, something he believes everyone should be able to enjoy.


Devin Grant

Devin has been in building for 14 years, commencing Granted Constructions in 2014 which has grown to become a leading and respected Melbourne builder.


In 2015 Devin became a registered Passive House Tradesperson, and has since completed multiple Passive Houses’ and winning the Master Builders Victoria 2018 Best Sustainable Home. Devin has a passion for Passive House and raising the standard for construction particularly air-tightness and high-performance buildings.


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